DreamHost Review (2019) Pros and Cons of DreamHost Web Hosting [HONEST REVIEW] DreamHost Video Review


DreamHost Review (2019) Pros and Cons of DreamHost Web Hosting [HONEST REVIEW]

Tutorial Hosting
In this dreamhost review and we laying out all the information that you can possibly need to help you guys make a decision on whether or not to choose dreamhost as your web hosting provider stay tuned because all of the information will be inside this video I’m an actual user of

Dream House myself okay but it’s gonna be a completely unbiased review I have used plenty of other web hosting providers I’m currently using plenty of other ones right now just to make videos just like these helping you guys make an informed decision on which is the best

Web hosting provider to choose for your needs so stay tuned for this video guys you’re not gonna want to miss this all the information is coming right up so we’re just gonna jump into my computer you’re gonna lose my face in just a moment this video is gonna be purely

Information basic I don’t any distractions so make sure you watch this entire video listen to what I have to say and then it’s up to you at the MS video whether aren’t you want to choose DreamHost as your web hosting provider so let’s go alright then guys so here we

Are on the DreamHost website now I wanna mention I will put an affiliate link as the first link in the description okay so this link is going to benefit us both it is an affiliate link so if you sign up to dream house using this link I will

Earn a small commission okay but it’s gonna benefit you as well because that link is gonna be updated with the best prices possible okay so if you click that link in the description that is the best price you are going to be able to find alright so that’s a win-win for

Both of us now with that being said I want to give you some information about DreamHost themselves okay so there’s some important information so they actually host over 1.5 million websites okay that’s all as of around October 2019 1.5 million websites hosted and it’s actually nearly 25 years old so it’s

Been around for a very very long time and in this time they have been able to maintain very very good uptime and page speeds okay and they maintain this very very very well so they actually have an above average uptime of around ninety nine point nine six percent and their

Page speeds on average around 719 milliseconds okay which is very very good so one thing I really really like about dream houses you might notice that the 719 milliseconds that’s not the best by far okay the top five web hosting providers they’re in the like 350 to 400

Millisecond range but this is consistent dream hosts are very very very consistent with their speeds okay it’s never gonna fluctuate very far from around 719 milliseconds it’s very very consistent which is something I really really like okay so that’s something to keep in mind right there and like I said

Also they do have a very very good uptime of around ninety nine point nine six percent which is above average it’s definitely definitely above average that equates to like around 17 minutes of downtime each month or around three and a half hours per year okay so that is a

Pretty good result right there okay so and also like other hosts if your monthly average falls beneath that threshold you will get a credit for the cost of the service as well okay so pretty good results right there on the uptime and also the speeds so something

Else of importance to know straight away is that they do actually have a 97 day money-back guarantee okay so the vast majority of other web posts that I’ve actually reviewed they usually give it like a 30 day refund period some of them after like 45 days but with dreamhost

They actually give you a money-back guarantee good for up to 97 days okay so this is over three months that you have to use their services and to make sure that you’re happy with them okay they don’t have any hidden tombs or hoops to jump through that might jeopardize your

Refund either okay this is a pretty much a guarantee 97 day money-back guarantee so I think that’s really really important to note straight off the bat you can try this out okay you with nothing to worry about completely risk-free try it out first of all and if

You don’t like it just get your money back and go with another web hosting provider okay but yeah really really cool 97 day money back guarantee and something else of importance to note guys okay so if you come to wordpress.org and take a look at their hosting right here DreamHost is actually

One of their three recommended web hosting service providers okay is actually recommended by wordpress themselves so this is gonna be absolutely perfect for for any novice webmasters if you’re looking to start your first web site no you know you just don’t have a lot of experience doing

This this is gonna be absolutely perfect for you okay WordPress comes actually pre-installed with DreamHost okay it’s pretty easy to setup on most servers with the one-click install option okay but with the fact that it’s immediately ready when you sign up with three most is perfect for beginners okay and it

Says right here dreamers has been committed to WordPress and its community for over ten years our hosting platforms are optimized for WordPress and our team actively contributes to the WordPress community so guys this is a great great place to start for beginners wordpress makes building a website very very easy

In general okay but with DreamHost the fact that it comes pre-installed is absolutely perfect for beginners so there’s a good reason to join straightaway if you’re a beginner looking to start your first website so let’s take a look at their plan limits right here okay so if you come like I

Said if you use the link in the description down below you’re gonna get the lowest price possible right now it is starting at two dollars and 59 cents per month which is very very cheap so let’s click get started and let’s have a look at what you actually get for this

Okay so for 2059 cents per month you can get their shared starter plan right here okay and what you actually get the limits you actually get with this quite good okay it’s not bad at all for this price as you can see you get one website you get a free

Domain included you also get unlimited traffic and unmetered wet bandwidth WordPress is pre-installed like I mentioned earlier they do have a new WordPress website builder as well it’s all on solid state drives as well you got a free SSL Certificates you get all of this for just two dollars fifty nine

Cents per month okay so right the gate you get a lot of features they have very very high basic plan limits okay so that’s a really really good thing to note right there that the price is compared to what you actually get they are very very very good now always

See this shared starter plan right here is only gonna be really useful for complete beginners okay if you are looking to you know if you’ve got some experience and you need extra features you are gonna have to look into their other plans right here I’m not gonna go

Over those you can come to the website and take a look at what they provide what features they give you in these other plans yourself okay it’s entirely up to you which plan you want to go with depending on your experience depending on the needs of your website as well

Okay but I’m not gonna go over all the information and compare what you get with each one I’ll leave that down to you but just know that’s $2 50 91 for a beginner this is gonna be absolutely perfect you know you can only get one website on there which you know it’s not

A lot but obviously is only one whereas if you compare this one VPS basic you get unlimited websites but like I said if this is your first one if you’re a beginner you just want to try this out you’re not sure if being you know building a website is actually for you

This is gonna be perfect for you because there’s only two dollars fifty nine a month to give it a try for a while and remember they do have a 97 day money back guarantee as well okay so this one right here absolutely perfect for beginners another thing I want to

Mention is if you’re not a beginner and you need it guys they do have dedicated server hosting as well okay so if you don’t be on a shared hosting plan they do have dedicated servers as well obviously these are going to be a lot more expensive starting at 149 dollars a

Month but they do have this option available for you right here okay they’ve got all of these different things so again whatever your needs are you are covered on three modes they have everything you could possibly need so something else that some of you might be interested in about DreamHost

As they are very very environmentally conscious okay well some of you might not care about this but this might be important to some of you so I thought I’d put this in here very very briefly okay so the data centers include high-efficiency cooling and processes they’re also involved in state-level

Clean wind programs to harness renewable resources the offices are LED and Energy Star certified and everything from the lighting to HVAC systems are also energy efficient okay so you can check this out if you want to this is at the bottom of the page you can come down here and go

To green hosting and read about that but something cool I thought some of you might care about also one really important point that I forgot to mention earlier when we were talking about the prices right here is that they do not have a higher renewal price like

Increase okay they do not increase the price after your term is up for example if you prepaid for three years for example and you paid the two dollars fifty nine per month for three years usually with most web posts after those three years up after your first term is

Up your price will usually like double or sometimes even go up three times the price but with DreamHost something very very good about it is this price will not change after your first term is up when you renew the price will remain the same that’s something really really

Important to know because that could save you hundreds and hundreds of dollars over a few years right there again what the price will not change for you okay so that’s pretty much all the good things there is about dreamhost okay that’s some positives that I’ve told you so far but it isn’t perfect

Okay drink there is no perfect web hosting service provider and Dreamhouse is no different it isn’t perfect one thing that I do not like about it is the limited live chat support okay they do say it is 24/7 support but if you take a look at this right now okay look at this

I’m talking to a bot right now because it says the team is out right now but they’ll get back to you soon so they do say it’s 24/7 because they do have this bot answering some of your questions but obviously when you speaking to a bot they can’t answer your questions 100%

Perfectly okay you’re gonna need a human to do that most of the time but they do not have 24/7 live chat support with an actual human you’ll notice right here all I’ve got is a few options I’m to find the right product and looking for the knowledgebase I can’t access my

Account these three things you know that’s not a lot of options right there you could be looking for something completely different but it’s hard to get the right information you need when their team is out right now like they say right here okay so in other words

They’re trying to automate the live chat process with thumps something that like mimics a phone tree so I don’t really like that about it that’s probably the biggest flaw when it comes to Dreamhouse is their live support however when you do actually speak to a human okay

It they are very very very helpful okay so they’re very knowledgeable when you’re actually speaking to a sales rep or somebody like that they are very very knowledgeable and helpful it’s just a shame that it’s not 24/7 okay you do have to actually wait until they are in

Like their operating hours and this point might not be a relevant for inexperienced site owners or bloggers but advanced users might care about this okay they do not have a cPanel dream host doesn’t offer cPanel access to their customers they created their own panel to help you find all the features

Now like I said in experience site owners probably won’t care about this fact but advanced users might for another reason okay so Dreamhouse doesn’t provide an automated way to import some files the backup option for migrating sites out of cPanel so you’re gonna have to manually migrate all of

Your files through FTP and my SQL like I said guy said that all that’s going right over your head do not worry about if you’re a beginner you probably don’t understand what that means but for advanced users like I said you might care about this reason and the last con

About dreamhost is that they do not offer any free site migrations on their shared hosting plans okay instead they will actually charge you a $99 one-time fee to move each site so if you have a lot of sites this can really really add up if you’re trying to move several

Clients or company accounts at the same time okay there are a few other limitations around they paid migration services work as well multi-site WordPress sites cannot be moved wordpress.com transfers will only grab content inside posts or pages so you have to reinstall and set up your

Theme and plugins and that stuff any web website builder sites on Wix Weebly or Squarespace cannot be moved either ok so again this is something for advanced users this is something for them to know if you’re a beginner and you don’t have any websites you’re not looking to

Migrate anything then this isn’t gonna be a problem for you if this is your first website your first web hosting provider do not worry about what I’m saying right now because it’s not gonna matter to you but for any advanced users who have a lot of web sites this could

Add up to you know it could be very very costly if you have a lot of websites to migrate and it could you know without those those themes and plugins being transferred as well it’s not ideal for any advanced users so guys overall do I recommend DreamHost

To you well yes I do there are other options out there I do have some other reviews so far some other web hosting providers as well I’ll link those in the description down below if you’re not entirely sold on Dreamhouse and you’d like to look at some information about

Some other ones I will link those in the description down below but overall DreamHost performance is pretty good across the board okay they’ve got very very reliable uptime and they do have some pretty quick loading times again it’s all very very consistent the default plan limits are pretty high offering a bunch of

Unlimited options for disk based bandwidth and all that other stuff as well it’s really really good considering how cheap it is I also really like the fact that there’s no price increased when your hosting plan renews and also while the performance like was solid it wasn’t in it’s not the best like it’s

Not the best it is very very consistent and they do have some pretty good speeds and stuff like that but it’s not the best in any category okay so just keep that in mind and the customer support was pretty limited to only if you know a certain

Hours throughout the week and also the paid migrations can really add up okay so just keep all of this information in mind before you make a decision all right thank I so there we go that is my dream host review all the information that you needed was inside

This video if you find this useful if you find a helpful at all please do not forget to like this video subscribe to the channel for future ones just like this okay I’m constantly looking for better web hosting providers so stay up-to-date with that by subscribing to

The channel and drop a comment down below letting me know which ones you guys want me to try what’s your favorite web hosting writers I want to know it all okay so drop a comment down below telling me all of that but yeah as for this video that is it thank you for

Watching I hope it helped you I hope you enjoyed it okay and I’ll catch you in the next video
💰💰 For the BEST DreamHost discount click here! http://bit.ly/GetDreamHosting Hello guys, welcome back to another video! In this post, I present you a DreamHost review to help you make an informed decision about whether you should choose DreamHost as your web hosting provider or not. Because you are probably wondering what is the best web hosting? Is DreamHost the best web hosting platform for 2019 and 2020? Is it the right web host for you and your website? This review will help you decide! If you are looking for web hosting for a WordPress website, DreamHost could be right for you. I explain why and give you the pros and cons of DreamHost web hosting in this honest review video. If you want to build a website using WordPress, DreamHost web hosting could be right for you. With WordPress pre-installed, DreamHost web hosting is ideal for beginners! If you have any questions or need help, leave a comment below and I will do my best to help you. #DreamHost #DreamHostReview #WebHosting Thank you for watching DreamHost Review (2019). Pros and Cons of DreamHost Web Hosting [HONEST REVIEW]
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DreamHost Review

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