How to buy hosting from Ionos Video Tutorial Ionos

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How to buy hosting from IONOS

Tutorial Hosting

Step 1: Accessing the Ion Portal

Hola, estamos aquí en la interfase de entrada del portal de Iones y para comprar nuestro producto, lo que haremos es acceder a tener producto o podemos traducir nuestra página al español. Right-click and translate to Spanish, and we will add another product. Sometimes, there may be problems with the internet connection of our providers, but we can try WordPress hosting, which is what we are interested in. This will take us to the page in English, but we can work in English if we want. We can also translate the page to Spanish if we need to.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Plan

We have the essential plan, which costs $3 per month for a year, and then it goes up to $4 per month. This plan gives us the possibility of having a single WordPress page, designed with a 25-gigabyte space, two databases, and ten email accounts. It also includes a free domain for a year and an SSL security certificate. We also have the business plan, which is more expensive, costing $1 per month for a year, and then it goes up to $8 per month. This plan is ideal for those who want to make a living from their website, as it allows them to have unlimited websites and storage. However, if you are just starting out, the essential plan is recommended.

Step 3: Choosing a Domain Name

We need to choose a domain name for our website. We can do this by searching for a name on GoDaddy or any other search engine, and checking its availability. We can also try different variations of the name until we find one that is available. In this case, we have chosen the name “prueba507.puntocom”, which is available and will cost $15 per year. The first year is free, but after that, we will have to pay $15 per year.

Step 4: Adding the Domain to Our Cart

We have added the domain name to our cart, and we are now ready to proceed with the payment. We can choose to pay using PayPal or credit card. We will also have the option to add more storage space or other features to our plan, but we can decline these options if we don’t need them.

Step 5: Reviewing the Order

We have reviewed our order and are ready to confirm it. We will receive an email with the details of our order, including the cost of our plan, the domain name, and the payment method. We can also review our order and make any changes if needed.

Step 6: Completing the Payment

We have completed the payment process, and our order is now confirmed. We will receive an email with the details of our order, including the cost of our plan, the domain name, and the payment method. We can also review our order and make any changes if needed.

Step 7: Setting Up Our Website

We have set up our website using WordPress, and we are now ready to start building our online presence. We can add content, images, and other features to our website, and we can also customize its design and layout.

Step 8: Launching Our Website

We have launched our website, and it is now live and accessible to the world. We can promote our website through social media, email marketing, and other means, and we can also monitor its performance and make any necessary changes.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to set up a WordPress website using the Ion portal. We have chosen the essential plan, which is the most affordable option, and we have added a domain name to our cart. We have also completed the payment process and set up our website using WordPress. We are now ready to start building our online presence and promoting our website to the world.

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