Website (have it created) and the IONOS Agency Partner Program Video Tutorial Ionos

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Website (have it created) and the IONOS Agency Partner Program

Tutorial Hosting


Hello, my name is Peter, and today I’m going to tell you about Jonas. Some of you may have already noticed that I’ve made a few videos with and about Jonas. There was a video about the partner program, another video on how to earn additional money with Jonas, and the last one was about V-Server, which is part of the product offer. The product range is really extensive, including domains, websites, online shops, hosting, servers, and many other things. I haven’t listed them all, so I could still make a few more videos about it. However, I must admit that my skills and understanding in this area are very limited, which is why we ordered a professional from an agency to help us with the partner program. We’ll get to that in a minute.

The Partner Program

The partner program is primarily aimed at freelancers, agencies, and web professionals. So, if you belong to this target group, you should definitely sign up for free at the link provided in the video description. Here, you can create customer and project profiles, which are also linked to a to-do list. This means you can work on tasks step by step for each customer or project. You can also manage access and, if you have a profile in the partner network, you can find potential customers and contact them. The cool thing is that you earn points alongside and climb the partner level, which gives you access to more services and benefits, such as better listings or a personal partner account manager.

My Background

I’ve had a linkshorten for years, for example, I could enter and it would take me to my current keyboard or debitor and it would take me to my livestream page. This worked for different things, different series, different links that belonged to various partnerships. I could always track how many links or clicks were made, but this hasn’t been maintained for years, and eventually, I had to click somewhere in the database to create a link, which I didn’t do anymore. When I wanted to use this system again, I thought it would be a good idea to find a professional who could program a nice little page for me where I could do everything easily without having to enter any data into the database, which I didn’t understand.

Using Jonas

So, I decided to try Jonas from the other side, as a customer, and see what comes out of it. I went to the partner program and clicked on the agency partner network because it says here, "Find the right expertise for your project." I thought, "I’m good to go." Then, I could search for experts by name, but if you’ve never been there before, you don’t know many names. You can also narrow down the skills and name your project budget, from little to a lot. I just went down and clicked on "Best Results" and sent a few people a message. Some of them immediately gave me a flat rate, others asked a few questions, and some even wanted a phone call to explain what I wanted for my website. I did that and then got a finished offer that I agreed to. However, the whole thing is still in progress, but I’m here and I got a domain and webspace from Jonas, and I found it cool because they were already in the partner network, so they could send me a request that I only had to confirm, and then they had direct access to my domain and webspace. Unfortunately, the whole thing hasn’t been finished yet, but if you want to see how the linkshorten works and how I use it, feel free to leave a comment. I just wanted to show you that the partner program works, so be sure to check the video description for the link and see you in the next video.

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