[2021] EasyWP Namecheap Managed WordPress Hosting Performance Test and Review Namecheap Video Review


[2021] EasyWP Namecheap Managed WordPress Hosting Performance Test and Review

Tutorial Hosting
hello everyone so welcome back and today
i’m going to do a review video about
this easywp hosting
it is a managed wordpress hosting
provided by namecheap
so i have created multiple tutorials
about this hosting also done some
reviews few months ago
but things a lot of things have changed
since then
and i have also used the service a lot
so based upon my experience and the
performance test i have done which i
will show you next
you can decide if this hosting will be
right for you or not
so first let’s start with the
performance test which is i think is the
most important
first let’s start with the google
pagespeed insights test
and you can see on the default wordpress
installation i’m getting perfect scores
and the important thing to note here is
the speed index
which is 1.7 seconds and on desktop it
is even less
so this is great the performance is good
and the second test i
did was to measure the page loading time
from different parts of the world
so for this test i used three locations
mumbai and warsaw so these are
completely different locations
and you can see for denver the page
loading time was 0.8 seconds for mumbai
it was 4 seconds
and also it was 2.6 seconds so you
should note that this is just the
wordpress default installation and when
you will install more plugins and
themes and other stuff more can’t add
more content to your page
the loading time will further increase
so if you are in asia
then the page loading time will not be
great for you and the third test
and the third performance test i did was
with virtual users
so basically this is the ultimate real
in which i have sent 200 clients for a
period of one minute
these virtual users will continuously
refresh the page
and do perform actions like real users
so i will explain this test to you so
the first data to notice the response
time which was 96 milliseconds
this is good and acceptable and to
understand why i’m saying that this is
the ultimate
test here you can see the bandwidth
received was 1.76 gb
in just one minute okay so we have here
you can see this graph
the green line is the client number of
and this blue line is the response time
okay so here you can see
as soon as 10 clients hit the server the
response time peaked
but it then it got stable which is good
the response time should be stable like
this so the client’s number of clients
kept increasing steadily
and the response time from the server
was very stable till
108 or 10 clients so and after this
the number of clients has to reach the
response time you can see here this blue
there’s so many ups and downs so the
server was not able to manage it
very properly but the good thing is the
here you can see this response count
success rate
so 67 751 requests were successful
and there was zero error request so this
is really great it means that none of
the users
uh saw any error page or they all were
able to load the page
they all were able to load the website
for some users the response time was a
bit high
but still for this kind of hosting i’m
using their turbo plan which is 7.88 per
i think this kind of performance is
really good
so if you are using their turbo plan you
can have 100 real-time users without any
which is really great now let’s discuss
some of
more pros about this hosting uh the
first is cloud servers
so all the hosting all the websites
hosted on ezwp
are on cloud servers and you get free
ssl with some plans you know like you
can see but this is also a bad thing
that they do not offer free ssl with all
you can see here with the starter plan
you do not get any free ssl
the uptime is great and if you want up
time details the link will be in the
description from where you can see the
uptime also the performance as you saw
great and the page loading time is okay
and you also get free cvn with some
but um these are this free cdn with is
but this free cdn comes with a lot of
terms and conditions
so it is not a complete pro and
as you saw this easywp interface is very
and minimal so it’s really good for
so these are the main pros about this
hosting and now let’s talk about the
so the first corners there is no file
manager so
all the panel you get with this hosting
is this
there is no other cpanel or anything and
there is no way to easy way to manage
your files there is no file manager
you will need to generate this sftp
access and use a program like filezilla
upload or download files on the server
so this is a major con and there is no
auto backup feature
name chip should have included auto
backup feature
every time you need a backup from here
every time you need a backup
you will have to create it manually from
here so this is a major con
and with all the plans you get to host
one website you cannot host multiple
website on a single plan
so it can be it can get a bit expensive
if you want to host multiple websites
pssl is not included with all the plans
this is again a very big con because ssl
has become a necessity for all websites
so if you want to use ssl with the
startup plan
you will have to buy it separately and
that will increase the price of this
and without ssl it will just make this
plan useless and no custom email hosting
services provided with the plan
so if you want to have custom email
address like hellowebsite.com
then you will have to buy this private
email service separately from namecheap
and as you can see the interface is
really minimal
and there is no way to create staging
websites you cannot have sub domains
redirects or anything like that and
another major con is if you have a
domain registered with different
registrar like google domains
code id then connecting it with your
easy wp hosting can be a little
as you can see here this is the option
for connecting your domain
from here you will you will see that
there are three options first is to use
your temporary domain second option is
to use
your custom domain which is connected to
your namecheap account
and the third option is to connect your
domain which is registered with any
other registrar like godaddy
i have already created a tutorial about
it but it is not very easy
like with other hosting providers you
get you can just use their name servers
copy paste the name servers with your
registrar go daddy google domains any
registrar it doesn’t matter
and it is very easy like that but with
easy wp it is not easy to connect your
domain so related to this problem is
that you cannot use cloudflare properly
you cannot use any other cdn service
and you will be forced to use the
namecheap cdn
which is currently free with some plans
but it
comes with a lot of terms and conditions
it has a traffic limit
and it is currently in beta mode so the
there can be challenges to use a cdn
with this hosting so
overall these are the pros and cons
which i am sharing after using the
for a while from my experience so in
terms of performance you see
this hosting is good but there are a lot
of cons
and personally i would not use this
hosting i think there are better options
so as you saw in the page loading test
um if you are in asia the page loading
time will be high
so there is no choice to select the data
center closer to your audience
so that’s another con and so if you need
any suggestion for a hosting provider
you can post in the comments
and based upon your requirements i will
try to suggest a hosting provider
or if you think ezwp will be the right
for you then
check out my other tutorials about how
to create a website with easywp
and that’s it guys for this video post
your feedback in the comments
and if you have any query doubt question
about easywp hosting
i will try to help you out and that’s it
guys for this video i will see you in
the next video

If you want to create a new WordPress website or migrate your website to a new managed Easywp WordPress hosting. In this video you can see the performance test of this cheap WordPress hosting and decide if this is the right hosting for you. I explained the advantages and disadvantages of this hosting in detail in the video. In terms of performance, this hosting performed well, but in terms of features and price, Easywp hosting is not very good. Overall I would give it 3.5/5 stars. If you purchased this hosting, post your review in the comments and on my website to help others. Availability Check – https://smarthelpguides.com/namecheap-managed-easy-wp-honest-review-and-tutorial/ How to connect a domain to easywp – https://youtu.be/hBm_xRkQMis Easywp Dashboard Overview – https :/ /youtu.be/yUuamIb_7YE How to create a website with easywp – https://youtu.be/P3QxQtdWOm0 Index: 0:00 Introduction 0:30 Page load test 1:35 Performance load test with virtual users 3:40 Advantages of easywp hosting 4:45 Disadvantages of EasyWP Hosting 8:20 Outro Music: None All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission.
#EasyWP #Namecheap #Managed #Wordpress #Hosting #Performance #Test #Review

Hosting Review

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