1&1 Ionos Review: Advantages, Disadvantages and Alternatives IONOS Video Review


1&1 Ionos Review: Advantages, Disadvantages and Alternatives

Tutorial Hosting
Hi my name is Tiffany domina welcome to my channel if you’re new here my website is how to entrepreneur org and I help people to take their ideas and grow them into enterprises today I want to do a review for you of one in one eye on OHS

And one in one eye Ono’s is a hosting platform that started back in the 1980s in fact it was 1988 in Germany and there’s not many hosting companies that can say they started back at that time if you’re here is likely you’re wondering whether or not one of my

Ayano’s is a scam whether it’s legit whether it’s a good company you should do business with or not you probably see some of the prices that they have on the website I mean look at this $1 for the first year for a domain so you probably

See things like that and you’re like how can I pass it up so in this review I really want to go over the pros and cons to help you decide if 101 ayano’s is a good place for you to host your intellectual property and your websites

So in this review I’ll be going over what it is how it works pros and cons what it does well what it doesn’t what others are saying both good in bed and then I’ll give you my recommendation on some alternatives so if that sounds good to you let’s get started

So basically 101 ayano’s is one of the longest standing hosting companies in the industry before Bluehost Hostgator a – emotional sting or wealthy affiliate 101 was already operating starting in 1998 they’ve been offering hosting servers to businesses for 30 years as a result they have very established processes and standards and they’re very

Knowledgeable about how to keep a website larvae live regardless of the amount of traffic or storage space needed one on one eye on OHS is considered the largest domain registrar in Europe they manage more than 8 million customer contracts and have 12 million domains under management they have 90,000 operating servers 15

Facilities in 90 different countries and ten geo redundant iso 2700 is certified data centers 2,000 employees from 40 different countries are on the one and one team so it’s a huge company if you decide to host your website with 101 you can be sure that they have top-of-the-line infrastructure and

Equipment available to them 101 is definitely an anomaly in the industry so it’s no wonder they’ve been around for so long they offer email marketing domain registration a website builder Google Ads management SEO local business listing marketing advising and their SEO tool called ranking coach so you would

Think with all of this that they would be the perfect fit for you right but hold on hold on because I have more to tell you and you won’t want to miss what I have coming up next so how does one and one ayano’s work inside of their 15

Facilities 101 ayano’s owns and manages several servers these servers provide storage space to their customers and ensure when internet users want to see your content the content is served to them on demand they also make sure that as technology advances they upgrade their technology so customers maintain high speed high uptime and ultimately

Achieve success online to get started with 101 Ionis you have to pick your plan create your account purchase or migrate your domain install the content management system or use their website builder and then customize your website one on one eye on OHS is perfect for businesses of small medium or large

Sizes they have shared clout and dedicated servers but you really really really have to be careful with one-on-one ayano’s and I know that’s a spoiler alert but I have to tell you you have to be careful with 101 ayano’s and I’ll tell you more information coming up

As to why 101 ayano’s has tools and training like I mentioned before they have their ranking coach tool and then they have the startup guide where they have different videos and things to teach their customers how to improve their ability or line they also have support 24/7 support by phone live chat and

Email but there are quite mixed reviews about how responsive they are and so that’s red flag number one so why don’t one IO knows what do they do well they offer a wide array of paramount services they have dedicated consultants for their customers they have good infrastructure and equipment they have a

Large team their prices are some of the cheapest in the industry they offer lots of information on your website and don’t simply provide claims for example they tell you the bandwidth the server sighs how many CPU cores the server brands or how much server the how much traffic the

Server can handle whereas many other brands hide this information until the fight fine print what doesn’t 101 I almost do well this is what you really really need to pay attention to customer reviews suggest that 101 ayano’s doesn’t do well with the billing after reviewing hundreds of

Reviews it’s a repeat issue that when and where ayano’s charges people for services they didn’t sign up for and they don’t cancel billing when customers requested the negative reviews about billing span across years so it’s not something new and reviews within twenty nineteen show the same problems other

Reviews also suggest they are aggressive with upsell tactics so let me show you some of the reviews that I saw and so you can get some input or some ideas of what they were like so on the BBB 101 had an A+ rating but had one and a half

Stars based on customer reviews I want to mention here that the BBB rating can be purchased so 101 ayano’s can easily purchase the A+ rating because that’s how the BBB works its kind of biased it’s really biased if you think about it but the customer reviews is actually

What you should be looking at and the one and a half stars was based on customer reviews as of this rat as of this writing and as of this video there are 68 reviews and most of them are related to billing issues it would have been nice

To think the abili billing issues are something of the past but the latest negative reviews that I saw were from February 2019 which was the same month that I wrote this post people are fraudulently built for services they didn’t activate or request and some customers mentioned they don’t even know

Who the company is so that’s really really horrible similarly there are nine thousand two hundred and seventy eight reviews on Trustpilot and 79 percent of the reviews are four or five stars but quite a few of those are one where reviews saying good service or good let’s take a look at Trustpilot

What tress pilot has to say about one and one eye on OHS okay so as you can see their reviews here and it doesn’t look too bad from this glance when you look 66% is excellent 13% is great seven percent of average four percent is poor

And ten percent is bad but when you look at 10% of 9,000 578 is a really high number so there’s a lot of people who are not happy with the service at one on one IO nose so let’s take a look at the let’s take a look at the average support

And the bad reviews so as you can see I’ve gone with 101 I almost four years my contract said I get two domains included I transferred in one from another host and they charge me nine dollars they say they list transfers for $1.00 on the home page worst hosting company

Ever the renewal process was more difficult it was difficult to find out how much suspend services for no reason those thick accent liars and cheats so you can take a look at this for yourself and see that a lot of the reviews they’re not just short so it doesn’t

Look like it’s like a competitor who comes and leaves bad reviews for no reason these reviews a lot of the negative ones are really long and possibly have dates and clear experiences so they look like real reviews of people who are very disturbed by the service that they get so this is

Something to keep in mind when you’re considering one-on-one ayano’s because this is a huge red flag to me it is you know let’s say I’m not a super mathematician but this is 21% of the reviews aren’t showing either average poor or bad and a lot of the reasons

Were because of the billing and their sales and let’s take a look one more time and look at the excellent and great reviews go see if they’re just as thorough so okay things are improving great website building tools great service so as you can see these reviews aren’t nearly as

Thorough and so like when I see reviews like this it looks staged to me I’m I mean because I have experience with people who blog sites like Fiverr or other freelance sites and they will buy reviews like this so that they can make their company look better than what it

Really is I went I would hoped it won and what I almost wouldn’t do anything like that but these four and five star reviews really don’t hold any value for a person who is considering 101 ayano’s because you can see the average poor and bad reviews are much longer more

Thorough and you can tell that people are really disrupted I had a really bad experience so that’s something to keep in mind and so the common positive feedback was like as you can see good service there website builder is easy to use and makes nice websites been with

Them for years so those were the things that I observed when I went through the 101 I own Oh serve use the common negative feedback was that they were built for a service they didn’t sign up for they sent an invoice and that would be withdrawing a payment within seven days

And had already deducted the payment I wanted to cancel but they built me before the term was over I wanted a refund and fell within their refund policy but they wouldn’t refund me they drastically raised the prices on me they were aggressively trying to upsell me customer service is hard to reach and

So those are really really red flag reviews as far as their most helpful positive review that I found was this reviewer Breanna Gates said loving everything loving the website builder features products and prices amazingly just what I needed to take my online fitness coaching business to the next

Level so glad I’m working with this company customer service is excellent as well so this reviewer is obviously having a good experience with 101 but then this reviewer at Trustpilot say aggressive tactics I got a phone call today about my website wanted me to add to it the second person I talked to

Could not take no for an answer her supervisor got on the phone he really couldn’t take no for an answer I was on the phone with him for more than a half half an hour telling him no I kept telling him I had to be in a

Meeting at a certain time he said it sounds like to him I’m just trying to get rid of him off the phone I took that as he was calling me a liar I did not like that I told him I might have to find another provider from our website that

Did not stop him I finally told him I had to be am i meeting and hung up on him I did not like this aggressive tactic that was used on me I like my website the way it is I hope no one there messes with it very concerned after this tactic

So as you can see the customers seem like they were already satisfied with their website but then when I went I oh noes was calling them like almost demanding that they make changes so that was a review I decided to throw in because it’s really important that you

Take into consideration this could be something that happens to you and then here’s another review I’ve had enough the time has come for me to part ways with one on one my main gripe has to do with their invoice and billing system which is consistently flawed please note

That the day you receive an invoice that will contain the following language you will find your invoice of $29.99 for contract redacted attached the amount will be deducted within the next seven days by means of the payment method specified on the payment details page this is not the truth however by the

Time you receive the invoice your account will have already been charged but you won’t know this and you’ll believe you still have time to cancel that thing you didn’t want renewed in the first place you’ll place your cancellation request and receive a confirmation email stating that the date

Your cancellation will take place in this recent incident that date was the same day of the request the next day you’ll receive an email that your invoice has been paid and your credit card has been charged yes for that item that you canceled you’ll call customer service and they’ll

Tell you that your account was actually already charged before the invoice notification email was ever sent to you you’ll be irritated to learn this and you’ll ask for a refund they’ll hem and haw there will be a supervisor available to speak with you even after they place you a hole for 18

Minutes while they try to fetch one for you you’ll eventually come round to obtaining a refund or so they say when you request a confirmation email that a refund is forthcoming though agree but not actually send it to you done be beware there is an ongoing issue

With 101 they know it’s an issue but have yet to do anything about it so as you can see that was a very very thorough review and it was about serious billing issues so as far as 101 ayano’s priced the price is a major advantage at

101 IO knows so let’s take a look at some of their prices as you can see their website builder from $5 a month their VPS hosting six months from $1 a month then $30 a month after that so they start you off with these entry-level very low prices with one

Dollar a month and then it takes you up to $30 a month after six months so that’s a big hike up but you know we’re not unfamiliar you and I we’re not unfamiliar with see an entry-level offers so a $1 a month offer is pretty good but when you go the the prices

Actually are $1 a month and $12 for the first year and there aren’t many companies out there that compete with that pricing so finally my overall opinion of 101 IO knows is overall I really really want it to like 101 IO knows when I took a look and saw man

They’ve been in business since 1988 they have all these servers and all of these employees and they’re the largest domain registrar in Europe and they have all of these parts to them just like you probably we’re at the beginning of the video I was thinking man this is gonna

Be a great hosting company but as I dug deeper and saw the level of customer satisfaction and the complaints that were out there I just said I can never recommend a company that has these long-standing ethical issues if people are being built fraudulently and aren’t able to cancel their subscriptions it’s

Not good business ethics as I wouldn’t recommend one in what I Oh knows however I know some people who want to give them a try if you still want to give them a try or give them the benefit of the doubt then the information is on my website however I

Want to warn you that this company has long-standing issues so the top alternative that I recommend – 1 + 1 io knows is wealthy affiliate one thing that’s exciting about wealthy affiliate in comparison is that they have a strong history of integrity and outstanding customer service and as an extra part

They include a networking community lots of training superb hosting and you can try them out for free so as a difference it’s easy to get help at Wealthy Affiliate and as you can see with the customer reviews this not quite as easy to get help at one-on-one ayano’s there’s private coaching available and

If you were to go to wealthy affiliate as referral of how to entrepreneur or of mine then the private coaching would be available through me and I would be able to help you to grow your business online to get more leads and sales online and that’s something I really enjoyed doing

In addition to that wealthy affiliate allows you to contact their owners they have live chat their step-by-step training for how to grow your business online there’s free websites included hosting is included they are a domain registration platform you can try them for free there’s a keyword research tool

To help you to create high demand and low supply content online so that you can have massive results and it’s the one that I recommend as number one when it comes to hosting companies however if you look into wealthy affiliate and you still feel like maybe this isn’t the perfect fit for me

Mind you wealthy affiliate you can try it for free and that’s really unheard of in the hosting industry but if you still find that there’s something you want to look into some other ones and try them out for free I have some other links here a to hosting emotional hosting site

Growl Mack highway WP engine and flywheel those are some other companies that I recommend and I also have a full post how to choose the best hosting company for you so you can know what factors you should be looking into to choose a hosting company and I did a

Video on that recently that I can add into the description box below so after reviewing dozens of web hosts you can see my top six web host for small business here on this post and I’ll leave that link in the description box as well so the verdict for one and when

I honest is that it’s great infrastructure great service packages and training tools great pricing the facilities are located all over the world they have lots of servers to serve lots of servers to service entry-level businesses and mature ones however as a con they have fraudulent billing unethical sales tactics unresponsive

Customer support and no options for reseller hosting so if you are looking to run a marketing agency or you’re looking to resell hosting they don’t have that option available for you so I recommend that you try wealthy affiliate instead I’ll leave the information in the description box below however I also

Have other options that you can take a look at and those will also be there so that’s all I have for you hopefully this review was helpful for you if you like videos like this please leave a thumbs up and also subscribe to this channel I’ll be making more and more videos to

Help entrepreneurs to grow their business from idea to enterprise that’s the mission that I have here at how to entrepreneur and hosting is just one aspect of that so if you’re interested in taking your business and growing from idea to enterprise I would love if you

Would stop by and check out my free courses and also the free training up and things that I have here at how to entrepreneurs org I’m really passionate about helping you to take your idea all the way to an enterprise of even 104 or more so definitely subscribe give me

A thumbs up and visit my website at hot entrepreneur org that’s all I have for you have a great day bye
If you are looking for a detailed review of 1&1 Ionos, this video is just right for you. You will receive advantages and disadvantages as well as alternatives to 1&1 Ionos. Find the full post here: https://howtoentrepreneur.com/1-1-ionos-review If you have additional questions as you start or grow your business, visit the Enterprise Builder Community for training and support. Sign up for free here: https://howtoentrepreneur.com/EB You can find all of my hosting recommendations here: https://howtoentrepreneur.com/best-web-hosting-companies-for-small-business
#Ionos #Review #Advantages #Disadvantages #Alternatives

Hosting Review

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