🙃DreamHost Web Hosting Review (2024) | Expert Advice on DreamHost Web Hosting – Avoid the *TRAP*! DreamHost Video Review


🙃DreamHost Web Hosting Review (2024) | Expert Advice on DreamHost Web Hosting – Avoid the *TRAP*!

Tutorial Hosting
I want to talk to you about uh dream
host and of course we’re be speaking
about uh web hosting today’s
conversation so here’s the overview I
want you to pay attention to so when you
think about dream host what should you
be thinking about well dream host has a
capable range of a fairly priced
products particularly it’s managed
WordPress plans which really performed
well during our analysis and evaluation
and now dream host doesn’t have the
features or configurability Advanced
users might need and uh we had some
support issues during our investigation
but overall what we love is that dream
host is still worth a look for both
personal and business users and uh it’s
basically one of the oldest and most
popular web hosting providers in the
industry known for its affordable
pricing reliable performance and
excellent customer support and so this
is kind of cool so dream host actually
offers a a constellation of Hosting
Solutions so you are speaking about
shared hosting you are you also have
WordPress hosting VPS hosting and
dedicated servers so this is kind of
cool in terms of a flexibility let me
quickly walk you through the pros and
cons of this player so you have a clear
idea what I’m speaking about first of
all the pros you have strong security
features extensive domain management
tools excellent Cloud hosting offerings
unlimited data transfers per month
generous shared hosting money back
guarantee this discount ofal in terms of
scalability useful WordPress Stag and
feature you have a in terms of
affordability fantastic affordable and
feature reach plans great performance
during uh the uh the testing you have
easy website setup process free domain
registration free SSL with all plans
daily backups included automated
WordPress migrations and uh a WordPress
website builder so this is kind of cool
what about the cons
here well the shared starter plan lacks
email so this is something if you want
that you might need to get it elsewhere
as an add-on no telephone support lik
Windows based servers this is something
they need to really fix malware removal
tool is paid you have to pay for it and
data centers are only in the US so it’s
one it’s what it’s what it is but
overall this is a great uh a great
player because they offer everything you
can expect I’m I’m talking about shared
hosting WordPress hosting VPS and
dedicated plans that that’s really cool
they do not have Cloud hosting though
this is important to really mention here
by the way boss welcome back to the sure
it’s really a pleasure to have you here
make yourself comfortable you are going
to enjoy today’s
conversation I want to talk to you about
the pricing here and I want you to look
on the screen here here is how the
pricing looks like as of uh the DAT of
this show so so you have a shared
hosting VPS hosting WordPress hosting
and webs apppp Builder and uh so it is
what it it is one thing I want to say
here is that of course I’m showing you
another screenshot we have dedicated
hosting and Cloud hosting now Cloud
hosting they started they started
offering that but it’s not really fully
fledged out yet so this is something you
might you might need to talk to customer
service to have a clear idea what the
really can offer you so but let me go a
little deeper here so when we talk about
dream host shared hosting for instance
you have with uh within the shirt
hosting uh sort of uh options you have a
one website free domain UNL lied traffic
pre-installed WordPress pre- automated
WordPress migration so you have a WP
website builder a fast SSD storage free
SSL certificate email for as little
little as 1671 to7 $175 per month and
this is what it is now with the
unlimited option you get unlimited
websites free domain unlimited traffic
pre-installed uh WordPress free
automated WordPress migrations WP
website builder fast SSD storage free
SSL certificate and unlimited email at
your domain so this is for shared
hosting you also have a the dream host
VPS hosting so uh basically you are you
are looking at a shared hosting server
that is that is the really then split up
into smaller servers giving you more
ability to fit your specific needs and
uh opting for the VPS hosting plan means
that your website will be hosted
separately from other people using dream
Host this is kind of cool you also have
a dedicated hosting so if you are a
large business or gets lots of traffic
to your site you may want to consider
getting a dedicated server this means
that you have a server all to yourself
that won’t run the risk of getting
bogged down by others and dream host can
fully manage this server for you but it
is the most expensive type of hosting
and this is what it is you also have uh
the cloud hosting that I just told you
they just started uh they started
offering this it’s not really fully uh
fully sort of uh mature yet but Hey
listen it is worth uh worth it if you
can you can contact them talk to them
about dream compute and dream objects
those are the two Cloud hosting uh plans
to see what they have and you also have
a dream host domain names so here when
you buy your domain through dream host
you get free private
registration free subdomains easy domain
transfers simple domain management and
more so this is what it is you also have
the dream host website builder this is
another element to really think about by
the way boss I want to quickly remind
you of today’s topic we are having a
conversation about dream host web
hosting I want to talk to you about the
value added here so when we talk about
dream host what kind of value added
should should you be thinking about
first of all you already know the
hosting the types of Hosting that dream
dream host offers right the four the
four or five types I just told you
shared we also have VPS we have
WordPress and we have uh dedicated so
this is pretty clear it’s h so and dream
host actually add the they do add value
across across the board when it comes to
every single uh every single hosting
capability let me give you an example
dream host has two basic shared hosting
packages so they have the shared starter
and then they they have the advanced one
now it’s one of those things where they
are really adding value across the board
so so the shared starter and the shared
Advanced also called shared unlimited
planes really gives you uh flexibility
for example the shared unlimited plane
supports unlimited web space sites and
email addresses and uh the price is
pretty good as well so this is a great
way to add value when it comes to
Wordpress hosting dream hosts really add
value because uh they are really giving
you the flexibility you need dream press
is dream host professional managed
WordPress uh hosting Ranch capable of
handling anything up to 1 million
visitors a month think about that 1
million visitors a month the starter
dream press plan has a 30 gigabyte
storage unlimited email free SSL and on
demand and daily backups and custom
WordPress features include automated
migrations a website builder specialist
WordPress support and oneclick staging
for easier website testing so so this is
kind of cool and uh and here WordPress
really is uh the focus for dream host
you also have uh VPS hosting so this is
kind of great and what we love about VPS
hosting is that you have the ability to
scale over time so this is kind of cool
in terms of helping you move up to the
move up another another letter another
um another level upside you know up if
you will and uh this is really good and
this is a capable range for VPS newbies
with all the core features you need and
all for a fairly uh fairly good price if
you have a simple goal you are building
a business critical um WordPress site
and need more then shared hosting is for
you if not dream host VPS range could be
a smart choice but more experienced
users may not be as happy with uh the
dedicated hosting is another area where
uh dream host really adds value so
basically with a dream host uh dedicator
hosting you get a server just for you so
you can just wave goodbye to sharing
resources and unexpected slowdowns
because someone else on your server is
having a bad day dedicated hosting means
great performance all the time and so
dream host has a really add value by
having two dedicated server planes each
with customizable RAM and Storage giving
you a choice of 9 9 to 12 configurations
and prices are kind of decent too you
are looking at 149 to5 to $175 a month
for a four for a four core 4 gab Ram 1
tbte HDD storage up to 379 a month for a
turbocharged 12 core 64 GB RAM and 240
GB SSD setup so you do have the
capabilities there all plans are fully
managed which means that dream host
takes care of low level server tasks
installing security patches monitoring
the server 24/7 you are really like you
actually Outsource the whole thing to
them and there is actually another
highlight in dream host the 100% Network
op time guarantee something that you
will not get with all the all the other
providers so this is really uh great in
terms of uh website building dream host
also adds value to your operations by
giving you the opportunity to uh to
build a website so dream host the
website builder is based on on WordPress
but don’t let that put you off it’s
still an easier way to create a a simple
site it comes with 200 to a 250 simple
websites for various categories
photography food music Fitness fashion
and more and this is kind of cool and
you you just drag and drop from a
selection of over a 100 blocks add some
content of your own and you can have a
small sze ready to go within a couple of
hours this is pretty straightforward the
website builder is very easy to use and
you might just uh you know you just need
to have uh something very small or
something very straightforward to
go so this is really good and you can
really build a a web store with dream
host not a problem it really it depends
on how sophisticat you want to have you
want the the web store to be but you do
have that you but now dream host is not
going to give you an e-commerce platform
similar to what you could have with uh
with Shopify or wo Commerce or B
Commerce no okay because of those uh
those uh players they do come
pre-installed with a few themes and
plugins and dream host doesn’t have
those automatically so but overall this
is a great player to think
about boss I want to quickly remind you
of today’s topic we are having a
conversation about dream host web
hosting this is a review of the
let me talk to you about the specs you
need to really think about if you are
thinking about dream host first of all
when you think about shared web hosting
just think about the fact that you want
to look at your your your needs and look
at your resources that’s it okay and uh
so you have to see whether you want the
shared starter or the shared unlimited
that’s it for the dream host VPS web
hosting the specs are pretty
straightforward too it really depends on
what you’re looking for so they actually
offer unlimited monthly data transfers
and domains I’m speaking here about the
VPS planes and but the base memory and
storage are quite low so this is where
where you might want to really spend a l
more if you if you want to go with a VPS
plane uh with a VPS plan at dream host
for example the basic plan whose prices
are really really uh sort of uh really
low those plan offers only 1 GB of RAM
and a 30 GB solid state drive on the
other hand the highest configuration
here we’re speaking here about the like
the VPS the highest configuration will
cost you 120 bucks per month 110 bucks
per month with an annual contract this
maxes out uh at around 8 gab of RAM and
240 GB of solid state storage so this is
one of those things you have to think
about in terms of specs now the the
dream host dedicated web hosting is
another element to think about but here
you have to really think about your
options because dream host has and this
is a a lucky event dream host has
several dedicated the server options the
offerings start with a standard 4 plan
and go all the way all the way with the
standard uh 18 plan so this is really
cool and so you are looking at the 100
to a 300 in some cases $500 when it
comes to $500 per
month and uh dream host the cloud web
hosting the specs here are not pretty
clear because this is a a um if you will
this is a a Buton this is a Buton this
is a fledge Lane sort of process and
dream C they haven’t matured this uh
service yet so it’s one of those things
where it’s just a lot better to contact
the company to have a clear to have a
better idea of what they are offering
and uh yeah so have a conversation with
the sales rep and get more information
before signing
up I want to talk to you but in when
when we talk about the specs we also
want to talk about the trim host
reseller web hosting so if you are
looking to get into the web hosting
business but you do not want to deal
with infrastructure matters reseller
hosting is the way to go unfortunately
dream host doesn’t offer Standalone
reseller plans you can resell you can
resell your own server space but only if
you add other domains to your own so
it’s one of those things so if you
really want to dabble in in reseller
hosting it’s just better to go with
another player so you can go with host
WIS for instance or blue host or or or
mucha host for that matter in terms of
dream host the WordPress web hosting
especially the the specs you need to pay
attention to it’s one of those things
where you have to see what really works
for you because dream Hol has different
specs depending on the WordPress or web
hosting service that you need they have
WordPress basic dream pass and VPS
WordPress so dream press is the standard
option with managed WordPress hosting a
service that gives you that gives your
website the white glove treatment by
auto updating the the popular content
management system software performing
automatic daily backups and providing
WordPress specific security so this is
kind of cool in terms of uh scalability
and uh you are able to build a a trim
host uh website the specs there are not
really that complicated it really
depends on on how complex how
sophisticated you want uh your your
website to be if you’re just looking for
let’s say a uh a blog or a company like
a one company website then the specs are
not really uh the specs are really basic
and if you want something more let’s say
you want to have uh something more
sophisticated then the specs will also
sophisticated in terms of e-commerce the
uh the specs there also uh also
convoluted depending upon how
sophisticated you want your website to
be I mean there are some uh some uh
e-commerce Solutions available there are
native to uh dream host but they’re not
as a fully flesh out as uh like if you
if you are if you are looking for let’s
say an e-commerce solution such as what
you might get with uh with the Shopify
or with uh other other players you’re
not going to have that you it’s just
better to go with B Commerce or W
commers as I said earlier you’re not
having that with the dream host they do
not have that they do not have that
level of sophistication but you do have
a terrific op time though you have a
security you have a you have a safety
you have security you have yeah but you
do not have uh one thing you need I you
need to remember you do not have a phone
support the chat support is excellent
but the phone support is
inexistent so what is our verdict here
so when we think about dream host should
you go with this player or not well you
should go with it we actually recommend
dream host we uh dream host is legit
dream host is uh is safe dream host has
been around for a while dream host is
worth your investment in nutshell dream
host stands out as an excellent choice
for a wide range of users particularly
beginners and small businesses thanks to
its userfriendly features like free
domain names SSL certificates and a
convenient website builder so this is
kind of this is very important moreover
it’s actually we recommend uh dream host
as a host for a WordPress Enthusiast
offering uh optimized functions such as
automatic updates and enhance security
and uh so nonetheless it may not be the
ideal solution for resource intensive
websites or those requiring specific
server locations outside of the United
States and the dream host provides
competitive pricing so here you have
month-to-month plans you have diverse
features and reliable for performance we
are speaking here about
99.99% op time guarantee okay so it’s
really important that before you contact
uh dreamhost you have a clear idea about
your your own individual hosting
requirements before actually contacting
them but also before making a decision
overall so this is what it is so dream
host for all intents and purposes in our
view can be a great option for beginner
users as well as small business websites
the cheapest plan is the best for
personal websites while the unlimited
one offer is the best value for a
professional use however it will not be
ideal for the users who need resource
heavy websites or who those who need uh
data centers outside the US so it’s one
of those things where again going back
to what I said you have to see uh what
your what your needs are okay you do
have strong security features you have
extensive domain management tools you
have excellent Cloud hosting offerings
but you don’t have like the Shar the
sharer that started playing La email
there is no telephone support and also
you have a player that that lacks
windows-based servers so not really uh
like the perfect perfect perefect
solution you might be looking
for thank you so much for your attention
I really appreciate it let’s do a quick
recap here so I I was talking to you in
today’s conversation about dream host
web hosting so I gave you the overview
the pricing the value added the specs
and now the verdict thank you so much
God bless you I’ll speak to you another
time until then remember stay

🙃DreamHost Web Hosting Review (2024) | Expert Advice on DreamHost Web Hosting – Avoid the *TRAP*! DreamHost Web Hosting: The Ultimate Guide – The Truth About DreamHost Web Hosting
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DreamHost Review

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