👉SiteGround vs. DreamHost Hosting Comparison ✅Real User Reviews DreamHost Video Review


👉SiteGround vs. DreamHost Hosting Comparison ✅Real User Reviews

Tutorial Hosting
hi there with you’re watching this video
you are comparing dream host and uh
cyron so uh right of the B I want to
tell you the definite answer will
definitely go for sron okay so you may
Wonder um the reason behind that I’m
going to tell you in
um very quick precise way as as I can be
with this short video and St to the
point okay first thing first when you
compare the um pricing okay uh dream
host the they make it into like um
WordPress basic the dream dream press
and the VPS so um in the
nutshell when it comes to hosting
there’s actually only one only two
differences one is share hosting and the
other one is a dedicate hosting okay
share hosting like um uh uh uh WordPress
running on e-commerce as well uh it’s
actually the same all are the same okay
but people like to put them in some
different name okay they like to put in
web press W Commerce stuff because be on
there’s a lot of new bees new players in
the market they hey I want to start
WordPress website does it hosting
support it it doesn’t mention the word
theya they doesn’t support it but it
doesn’t it doesn’t really matter so you
should really compare something like
this pricing wise okay it’s more or less
the same okay it’s a one website okay
this is unlimited website and the
pricing for it like is a little bit more
expensive but I will tell you why is
definitely worth it definitely okay
first thing first Sr Optimizer this
plug-in alone will already beat all the
other uh benefit okay that I’m going to
share with you in a few minutes C
Optimizer is a cash plugin with in case
you’re not familiar WordPress do need a
cash plugin to run okay you cannot run
without a cash plugin and Sr Optimizer
is a cash plugin that will help you uh
completely for and develop by sron
themsel okay they come with the mcache
which is usually a paid version yeah uh
uh cash plugin that you need to buy in
the market I was using WP rocket before
and I just dump the wp rocket renewal
when I move the site ground this already
save you a 100 bucks so dream host
doesn’t have it okay secondly uh but way
do you know that uh for this kind of
lasering images WP web is already well
covered into this uh free plugin so you
don’t not need to bother inst installing
the rest of these plugins and you you
already well aware the more plugin you
install the more likely your website
crash because parking doesn’t really
like to talk to each other okay the more
you install the more high risk you are
99.99% oftime guarantee by the uh Sr
Okay so so it’s just amazing because uh
sa them themselves have a very very high
uh support support up time okay it’s
just amazing because for um sron I
forgot to mention here they
uses Google clown infrastructures I’m
not sure why they not put this into B
Because Google clown infrastructure is
expensive the top notch version you can
see from the market okay so dream Hol Sr
all they they are like a mid platform
okay for and then the back end they uh
subscribe the Google Cloud
infrastructure so um the reason why you
do not go to this by the way directly
because it saved you tons of time on the
programming and stuff and SSL the CDN
your configurations uh the domain um DNS
configuration as well so it just
definitely worth and and if you go to Sr
it’s actually cheaper then you go to the
Google Cloud infrastructure directly
and I want to also mention about the
support Sr support is just purely
amazing okay you can do live check phone
support and tickets you name it whatever
they are just simply amazing okay so
they will not tell you hey you plug your
your your website is down because you
have some plug-in issues have you
deactivate them one by one yourself have
you Tred to figure it out yourself or go
uh go back to um uh remove some plugins
okay ground will look into the issue for
you and tell you how to uh solve the
issues okay this alone is already bit
all of the other support and dmol
support is definitely not this top notch
level so if you go for the
uh let me see the grow bit version it
will already automatically come with a
much better support Arrangement okay so
speed and up time okay speed and up time
these are the you can click the link
down below you can tell you about the
CDN configurations and the benefit of it
and why you should definitely go for um
sround they have a uh browser caching
okay and they have the um uh uh tell you
a lot the reason why you have say so
they will help you give some advice as
well so Sr also have run in SSD okay as
let they running on the Google Cloud
versions and they provide CDN free CDN
okay I will tell you about the data
center very quickly and they have the
broadly broadly is the uh new next
generation of the compression mechanism
so only s run on this I think the next
one that running is cloudways but uh
this one is top s is definitely running
on this and which is that very very fast
okay you need to do you want to have
this you need to go to Cloud fair and
this one already come with it um
automatically for you for
Sr so um you can even block some of the
traffic okay you don’t know one let say
we are only focusing on the US on in the
US continent us speaking country on
e-commerce delivery and you don’t want
to some of the let’s say Russia or China
or some Vietnam people to go to website
and order some stuff you can block this
country we IP address slly amazing okay
so these are the um uh I want to mention
to you the the data center okay they
have a lot of data center and the reason
why it’s important is because it will
save you tons of time for work visitor
when they go to different of the
locations when they click on the website
okay when they click when they when they
have from in in in the Singapore they
click on the hosting USA they will not
go to the USA hosting server they go to
the CDN their content Del fre Network
provided by sron you do not need to do
it yourself and to configurate yourself
save you definitely tons of time so this
few points itself is already worth going
for Sr I have some special discount for
you is a offal discount um offer uh you
save some Bo and I hope you enjoy this
video thank you

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DreamHost Review

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