👉Cloudways vs. DreamHost Hosting Comparison ✅Real User Reviews DreamHost Video Review


👉Cloudways vs. DreamHost Hosting Comparison ✅Real User Reviews

Tutorial Hosting
hi there if you’re watching this video
you are comparing cloudways AK okay and
dream host so um I want to share this
not only from uh normal website
comparison between product and features
because to be honest this all
information you can read online right
you do not need someone to just read
this out loud to you okay it’s a waste
of every time but I want to share from a
real user perspective whom um have been
the market for over 10 years okay I’ve
been a programmer myself I use I live in
breath and grown with WordPress I use a
lot of Hosting services and I want to
not only compar between with the pricing
the features but I also want to share
about some technical aspect and the
areas that is not share from both of the
site okay first and first okay DM holes
and cloudways is not something that you
can easily Appo to Appo for comparison
okay and I tell you why dream Hol is uh
they they have the names called
WordPress W Commerce uh and um uh Etc
you can just ignore this okay right
people a lot of Hosting now they put
this tpe WordPress Hing newom hosting
because a lot of newcomers to the market
they heard about wo Commerce about
WordPress is great and they go to search
this um WordPress hosting and the first
thing they go to dream host and they do
not find WordPress hosting and they
thought oh Dre host does not support we
press hosting which is completely not
true so they they would just op out so
um it’s like the industry is shaping to
help the newcomers to to to to use their
surfice okay dream host they have the
share hosting okay and a VPS hosting
okay and dedic and dedicate hosting so
you basically you can consider these all
five can be summarized into two one is
share hosting one is dedicated hosting
okay only these two one and the four
okay and I will tell you tell you in in
the second in hosting
uh industry there’s only actually two
two type you rent the place the house
okay the storage the CPU the rent with
some other users that you do not know or
you rent the whole thing just like you
rent your own apartment you leave it by
yourself okay just like in University
host to when you have when you’re still
student you in share hosting okay so
manager to shareing is the same thing
okay so just make the name difference
the speed a little bit faster more
sources make Charing higher cloud cloud
in the same thing because people like to
use the word cloud okay so the word
cloud is um board okay I would say so
now you get it clear so I will tell you
Cloud uh cloudways is a dedicated
hosting okay so all of these five
options EO voucher N9 AWS gcp or uh
private hosting no matter which one you
choose you own the whole Space okay no
one should share with you no uh sh
neighbor is going to scroll your website
if they use a lot of resources they
screw up the IP address none of your
business okay you have your own
dedicated IP address so hope you get get
it clear so when you compare the pricing
which I high recommend if you’re a
newcomer you can go with vult and I know
deal is a little bit unstable and GP is
too expensive for new stter okay we you
have the project okay your website have
a lot of traffic is a highly a lot of
images which is a wmer site go gcp
otherwise if you just really doing this
blocking business uh some travel block V
and hand is perfect okay it’s perfect so
the cor compress should be this prizing
versus this pricing no joke okay so you
can see how inflated and expensive it is
for dream holes okay the the reason why
is so expensive is because uh for this
company dream hold actually even for uh
are gold da chip they they use some of
them they just subscribe their server
from actually this companies okay they
suff from these companies but they they
cannot seate into Grand Lev because they
not management hosing and they they it
to the the market so the easy way is
that they put 100 client one address and
they paid $100 of course a matter for
$100 they charge for $150 and they make
a profit but if you’re going for a
delicate server they need to have a rack
of a dedicated specific area dedicated
to you which in their in their will they
want to Target some premium commercial
client okay so for individual blogger
like us okay I will assume you you are
individual or just like a small SMG
company less than 100% you should always
go for cloudways okay much cheaper you
have your own space and tell you that
one of another point to critical
critical point okay with you go for
these kind of um hosting company the
offens dros but the next year the renew
prices will go up higher much higher the
reason is because when you go for um uh
uh this company when is start they want
to have cheaper rate they want to
attract people to use their services and
after a while uh after you have already
been using the for for a while the next
year R will go put the prices up okay
because uh uh nine out of 10 okay or
even 10 out of 10 people are just too
lazy do not know how to and do not
bother to change the hosting company so
just like when is the last time you
change your internet service provider
when is the last time you change your uh
mobile phone carrier companies right so
unless the deal is so sweet the discount
is so crazy we will not bother and
changing all these the the the method
for I just said ISP in the mobile
carrier all the heavy Works done by the
company what about migration of it of a
web hosting okay so Cloud ways to have
the free migrations 30 okay it’s crazy
30 free migrations not talking about one
month free migration 30 free migration
for you because they the whole support
team is a very professional technical
stuff so they can do it in in the ssh in
the console not on the granular menu try
and drop on the file but I digress okay
I will come back to this topic the point
is with the next year even for 5 10
years the prizing will be just a very
transparent with this rate okay maybe
just go up one few cents $1 just a
normal inflation rate just like your
your your your diary for in the
supermarket so I hope that makes sense
because what they do is that they charge
a little premium from this Dino you if
you go to Dino and you do the services
you may be charging a little bit 20%
less but I will tell you it’s definitely
worth it okay the Troublesome the ssl’s
configurations the SSP SSH and the CDN
and the cashing and the scaning so much
stff I cover this video later save you
so much time if you go for uh cloudways
okay so uh the point number three I want
to share with you is that one of the
thing that um itself is really worth
going for cloudway is this cash plugin
called Breeze okay so I think um by
layment by layment and Common Sense
thinking process what is the best uh
hosting caching solution right where
where’s the best one of course it’s the
one developed by the hosing company
themselves right you are using cloud and
Cloud develop this WordPress cach plugin
and you can have two powerful Solutions
which is one is Rish one is uh on stock
here don’t mention here but Rish is one
of the
uh very can Google little bit basically
oneish is a professional commercial
level like corporate level like um cash
plugin okay which is normally you will
not able to see it when you you you are
using um we uh share hosting not because
you need a dedicated Hing compy to do to
do that and if you go you are entitled
do because you own the whole environment
remember the metaphor that I just
mentioned the apartment you own the
whole apartment so that’s the do make
very much difference okay the point so
uh I want to also share with you the um
visibility to control the resources okay
Cloud because you own the whole
resources you are able to set the server
uh granular level server level settings
okay which is not possible when you’re
doing uh share hosting because Ching the
the the company like Dre reset the CPU
RAM and storage for you and you have to
uh listen to uh and to use what the the
resources they’re giving to you you can
you cannot just change whatever you want
and uh it’s not possible but for cloud
if you go for you can scale a server as
easy as that if you want BR some
resources go to this page you have this
is the DAT contr panel click your server
and your application vertical scanning
just pull VOA it’s done okay the trans
should be so fair that depends on the
hourly rate that you use your resources
and and it’s all that okay and backup
and restore for cloud is just amazing
something go wrong with your system no C
panel if you need to verion back up and
click restore all 17 second okay how
great is clone server is awesome to is
not possible you can do with th because
you do not again you do not hold own the
server for cloud you can completely
clone the server what when is it use
when is it very useful because um it’s
different from stage right station
you’re using the same server but clone a
server you can if you’re using uh n not
okay if you’re using n not talking about
here and you want to upgrade your whole
thing to AWS what do you do with another
hosting company basically you need to
very holding yourself but they can do it
for you automatically with a cloner
server you can clone your n server to
atps or gcp in the bit of a second and
then immediately you’re using your new
setting configurations as St SSL um you
go for 9 a GCB if you tried it before I
can tell you is it paying in the S
process because SSL configuration is not
something that you can be easily done uh
with programming skill with C for these
are raw uh uh providing companies like
AWS Google for uh installation of FSL in
Cloud you can just click it easily as
that okay that’s it and and it’s
complete done okay so how to add uh uh
the staging is also extremely easy you
can just click in there and then one
click and then you will enable a copy
clone of the IM website images and you
can edit from there okay this is an
example I’m going to show you create
staging and while I
so uh there’s so much benefit about
using cloudways and they will share you
not only try to give you a hosting a
solution to try to share with you how
people able to use cloudway and to to
help the business i l link down below
and it’s just extremely good okay and
also one thing I want to share with you
is the ratex okay the last one I want to
share with you this here is a little bit
um how do I say a little bit technical
here okay but radic is not developed by
Cloud okay it’s a third party corporate
level like professional casing Solutions
can be worked together forish basically
you will help you to improve your uh
side performance okay um I don’t want to
digress my video into another 10 minutes
extra because varnish cach object cach
uh and static cach is a whole bunch of
different concept it work in different
area of your website okay so when we go
when we when we talk about cash brand is
object cach okay so you can go Google a
bit interest but with you with you don’t
care just trust trust me don’t bother go
with cloudway and then you can use a
plug in night bra to enable radic it
would have you step by step guy and hell
if you do not know how to do it just go
with Cloud support and you can do it for
you as well completely for free okay no
extra modu and stuff okay so
you know I have been using Cloud for
many many years for all my business in
there and I cannot think of the reason
why you would go for a trim H to be
honest okay okay so click the link down
below to grab my discount deal uh the
unit discount deal in here

👉Cloudways vs DreamHost Hosting Comparison ✅Real User Review https://www.cloudways.com/en/dreamhost-alternative.php?id=658358 ✅Cloudways 3-Day Trial https://platform.cloudways.com/signup?ref_id=blog_navbar?id=658358 ✅Cloudways Special Discount: https://official-discount.com/cloudways ✅Cloudways Latest Price Offer https://www.cloudways.com/en/pricing.php?id=658358 ✅Join WooCommerce Speed ​​Up Challenge and win BIG! https://www.cloudways.com/blog/woocommerce-speed-up-challenge?id=658358 ✅Free Website Migration Services from Cloudways https://www.cloudways.com/en/free-website-migration-service.php?id=658358 ✅Install and Configure Redis on WordPress (Boost Your Site Performance) https://www.cloudways.com/blog/install-redis-cache-wordpress?id=658358 #hosting #cloudways #besthosting #hostingdiscount #hostingoffer #hostingreviews
#Cloudways #DreamHost #Hosting #Comparison #Real #User #Reviews

DreamHost Review

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