πŸ‘‰ DreamHost Review 2024 βœ… Pros and Cons DreamHost Video Review

πŸ‘‰ DreamHost Review 2024 βœ… Pros and Cons

Tutorial Hosting
Hello everyone carson here and in today’s video i am going to be reviewing dream host hosting Now i have reviewed a lot of hosting companies in the past over 90 hosting companies and because of that i’ve created my own comprehensive list of the best hosting companies of all time of the best and worst hosting companies out there and because of this i do have a video detailing my top

Hosting companies of 2021 so if you do want to check that out go ahead and head down to the description and click the link which i’ve provided but without further ado i want to get into reviewing dreamhost as a hosting company because it’s always good to do your

Research on every single hosting company out there or as many as you can and the ones which are the most relevant to you and dreamhost is one of those companies which is available so i thought it would be a good idea to jump into it and kind of review dreamhost

And explain to you the pros and cons and if dreamhost is good for you so let’s go ahead and jump right into the pros and cons but before we do if you enjoy my content and if you want to see more videos from me go ahead and leave a like subscribe

And hit that notification bell because it helps me create more content for you and now let’s get into the review so the first thing i want to talk about is obviously the pros of dreamhost because even though dreamhost isn’t as popular as places like hostgator godaddy or bluehost places like that

Dreamhost is actually a very well-known brand amongst designers and developers they were founded in 1996 and they have over 400 000 customers to date so as you can see not a gigantic share of the market but still a fairly big company now the question though remains is

Are these customers getting a good deal on their platform and what are the pros and cons of dreamhost well first let’s go ahead and cover the pros so the first pro which i do want to mention is that they actually do offer unlimited bandwidth on their plans all of their plans come with

Truly unlimited bandwidth so what that means is there’s no encode limitations which will slow you down throttle you or restrict your bandwidth if you pass a certain amount even though they claim it’s unlimited their bandwidth is actually unlimited so you’re not going to be running into any problems with bandwidth

If you are going with dreamhost a lot of other companies do offer this as well but it’s always really good to look into if a company does offer truly unlimited features when they claim to offer unlimited features because as i’ve talked about other companies in previous reviews

A lot of them will say it’s unlimited but they will have encode limitations that prevent you from actually using it in an unlimited manner now the next benefit i want to talk about is that they don’t really have many upsells or upgrades available a lot of companies which i’ve reviewed negatively in the

Past places like godaddy excel in just upselling their customer they have one basic plan but then they add features and features and features on top of it and you as our customer if you’re not aware of this might end up buying a lot more than is required for your business now

Dreamhost doesn’t do that which is actually a pretty nice benefit it does make it easier especially for the beginner not to get tricked into buying something they don’t need because that can be pretty dangerous now we need to get into the cons though because dreamhost does have quite a few

Problems some of which i think kind of break the deal and make it much more worthwhile to go with other platforms the first problem i want to mention is they don’t have many one-click installs a lot of more advanced website hosting companies the top of the line ones they will offer

Hundreds of different cms’s with automatic install capabilities dreamhost only offers like one or two cms systems which you can automatically install one of them being wordpress so if you are looking to play around with some other cms systems dreamhost is definitely not the platform for you if you

Are buying a shared hosting platform and auto wordpress hosting platform you are looking for a broad variety of cmss which you can install and which that company offers and dreamhost falls short in that area now the next problem is they don’t have servers outside of the us

This is actually a major issue for me because a lot of companies will want to receive customers from places like canada uk australia as well especially if you’re doing stuff like drop selling you don’t really want to limit yourself just to the us market and dreamhost kind of forces youtube

Because their servers are only in the united states your latency and uptime and speed will see a gigantic drop in quality for customers outside the united states and this can be a really big issue and a deal breaker for a lot of people now i know i said dreamhost doesn’t do

Upsells and they usually don’t but here’s one case in which dreamhost kinda does do an upsell and it’s actually a pretty big problem in my opinion dremos does not offer a free email plan with their startup hosting so basically if you buy their startup hosting plans their basic hosting plans

You’re not going to be getting a free email with that and that for me is a gigantic problem because i always like to have an email with my website it makes my website look more professional and it makes me look more professional when i’m dealing with my customers

But if you don’t have an email with your website and dreamhost only offers that as a paid edition you’re gonna run into a little problem because you’ll end up being stuck using some email address at gmail and personally i just don’t like that so you have to keep in mind that even

Though dreamhost’s most basic plans are decently affordable unlike other places like hostinger or bluehost they don’t actually come with an email account available for you now another problem is dreamhost is missing a lot of features things like built-in caching and advanced backup solutions are not available with dreamhost

And this can be a big problem especially if you’re looking to upscale your business in the future if you are looking for some of these more advanced features definitely do not go with dreamhost finally they also lack windows based servers which means none of their servers are windows based

And their support is also really not the best so overall and just to recap i actually don’t recommend dreamhost for a lot of my customers i would place it pretty far down on my list of the top website hosting companies in 2021 it just doesn’t fit a lot of the

Features and newer more advanced integrations as other companies on the market it just doesn’t feel as cohesive and overall i don’t think it’s a very good platform obviously if you’re looking for some very very basic hosting just inside the us and you don’t mind a lot of these downsides which they have

It could be a potential for you but overall i would not recommend it there are a lot of hosting companies which offer the same service with more features and cheaper prices which you can go with when you’re hosting your site so dreamhost just for me at least doesn’t really do the job

But anyways thank you so much for watching if you do have any questions for me just drop them in the comments and i’ll be sure to respond also just a reminder that i have a link in the description to my top website hosting companies of 2021

So you can watch my review of the best of the best website hosting companies and check those out and receive special discounts also if you did enjoy this video remember leave a like subscribe and hit that notification bell and i’ll see you in the next video
DreamHost Review 2024 – True, it is an affordable hosting provider that keeps its features lean to keep prices low. This might sound great if you're on a tight budget. But what about the quality? πŸ‘‰ Get Dreamhost β–Ί https://bit.ly/3xyhbb9 πŸ’₯πŸ‘‡ recommended website hosting company to try out in 2024πŸ‘‡πŸ’₯ β–Ί https://bit.ly/2tfaq4z ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Timestamp: 00:00 Intro 01:07 Advantages of Dream Host 01:37 Appearance of Dream Host 03:40 Review of their plans 06:06 Summary and Outro DreamHost Review 2024 – Don’t Waste Your Money! Transcript: Hello everyone Carson, in today's video I will be discussing Dreamhost hosting. Now I have reviewed many hosting companies, over 90 hosting companies in the past. And that's why I've created my own comprehensive list of the best and worst hosting companies of all time. And that's why I have a video listing my top hosting companies in 2024. So if you want to check this out, go to the description and click on the link I provided. But without further ado, I would like to rate Dreamhost as a hosting company because it is always good to research each individual hosting company or as many as possible and the ones that are most relevant to you. And dreamhost is one of those companies that are available. That's why I thought it would be a good idea to jump in and review Dreamhost and tell you the pros and cons. And if Dreamhost is good for you. So let's jump straight into the pros and cons. But before we do that, if you like my content and want to see more videos from me, just leave a like subscribe and hit the notification bell because that will help me create more content for you. And now let's get to the review. The first thing I want to talk about is, of course, the benefits of Dreamhouse. Because even though Dreamhost is not as popular as Hostgator, GoDaddy or Bluehost, Dreamhost is actually a very well-known brand among designers and developers. They were founded in 1996 and have over 400,000 customers to date. As you can see, it's not a gigantic market share, but it's still a pretty big company. However, the question remains: are these customers getting a good deal on their platform? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of dreamhost? First, let's discuss the benefits. The first benefit I want to mention is that they actually offer unlimited bandwidth in their plans. All of their plans include truly unlimited bandwidth. So this means there are no encoding limitations that slow you down, throttle you, or limit your bandwidth. If you go over a certain value, even if they claim it is unlimited, the bandwidth is actually unlimited. So you won't have any problems with bandwidth. If you work with Dreamhost. Many other companies also offer this. However, it is always very good to check whether a company really offers unlimited features when it claims to offer unlimited features. Because as I've talked about other companies in previous reviews, many of them will say it's unlimited, but they've experienced limitations that prevent you from actually using it unlimited. The next benefit I want to talk about is that there aren't really many upsells or upgrades. Many companies that I have rated negatively in the past, such as: Some companies, such as GoDaddy, are characterized by only upselling their customers. They have a basic plan but then add more features. And if you, as our customer, are not aware of this, you could end up purchasing much more than is required for your business. Dreamhost doesn't do that now, which is actually a pretty nice benefit. It makes it easier, especially for the beginner, not to be tempted into buying something they don't need, as that can be quite dangerous. However, now we have to deal with the cons because Dreamhost has a few issues, some of which in my opinion break the deal and make it much more worthwhile to bet on other platforms. The first problem I want to mention is that they don't have many one-click installs, but many more advanced website hosting companies do. The top-of-the-line feature they offer out of hundreds of different CMSs is the auto-install feature. Affiliate link disclaimer: If you click the links in the description and book a hosting provider, we may receive a commission. Still, we don't let brands dictate our opinions – when we say it, it means it's what we truly believe. Purchasing through our links will cost you nothing extra and may even cost less due to discounts. Please give my video DreamHost Review 2024 – Don’t Waste Your Money a big thumbs up.
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DreamHost Review

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