🆚Siteground vs. Dreamhost: The Most Insightful Review of 2022🆚 DreamHost Video Review


🆚Siteground vs. Dreamhost: The Most Insightful Review of 2022🆚

Tutorial Hosting
Hi everyone Tom here I’m very excited to be giving a quick overview of dreamhost vs. I’d ground and explain what my experience has been with these companies over the past few years in this video I will first take you through the most important features of sight ground and

DreamHost whether it supports a cpanel how they’re updating themes are when you compare to real-world usage and what my overall experience has been in the second half of this video I will take you through the back end of my hosting account so you can see what user face

You are to expect without having to open an account for yourself I will also that’s in on the pricing structure of these companies whether there are any discounts available for you so if you’re wondering how SiteGround compares the DreamHost I’m about to explain that but first I’d

Like to give you a bit of background about myself and what I use SiteGround in DreamHost for so you know that I know what I’m talking about so like I said my name is Tom and I’ve been working for the past six years in this industry and I have run several

Businesses over those years and because of that I’ve had to use a huge number of web hosting solutions I mean a huge variety and probably a good number would be 30 to 40 over the years I mean I tried every single one of them and I

Want to let you in on a little secret and I figured out no matter which one you choose every single one of them if not all is owned by a single company called endurance international group or EAG they’re the thousand pound gorilla in the room and the way they operate is

They acquire small independent web hosts and bring them under their umbrella so companies like Hostgator Arvixe a small orange and dozens more of today’s most popular solutions operate under a IGS umbrella and at school and all but really I mentioned this because no matter which company you decide to go

With the only difference you’re gonna get is the pricing so no matter which one it’s just a price and not much after death so maybe a few variations over the back end but they’re all gonna do the same thing and really you are going to be looking at a few

Things so let’s start with a price personally I’m a bit of a cheap person and I don’t have that much fun so like you I like to get a deal whenever I can wherever I can so let’s start with side ground first side ground offers three

Solutions for you Diigo is start up grow big and go geek startup starts at 395 a month that is for the introductory price as you can see ur a special price now this shoots back up to the 1195 price per monthly renewal as seen in the regular pricing here and know what I

Will throw in a discount coupon that you can use if you decide to go with side round over here now let’s go with dreamhost this time DreamHost offers three things the shared starter gene press and the VPS but I want to focus on shared starter first so shared

Starter starts at 259 a month with which goes back up to around $8 a month if I’m not mistaken and this is for the monthly plan that you pay on an annual basis so if you decide to go annual you’re gonna get a much cheaper price but if you go

It the monthly subscription though you’re gonna end up with a much higher price so if you’re looking for long term and cheaper your options I recommend that you go with the animal pricing option so that is for the shared starter and shared unlimited starts at 795 a

Month and really which ever of these plans you decide to go after I will be throwing down a link in the description down below that you can use to sign up with and you will get an eva bit better deal when you sign up where dreamhost

So I mean that’s not much to say over here the pricing these are pretty standard but if you’re gonna ask me and I want the cheaper option I’m definitely gonna go with DreamHost on this one now let’s go over the up side capabilities of these companies side round over here

Claims in 99.99% uptime and they even include which ever technologies they used to make sure this 99.9% guarantees fulfilled with no problems so they include Linux containers or Alex C they include a proactive server monitoring automatic backup system and instant backups on demand so if you’re really worried about your site being

Lost over the web a backup will keep your mind at peace unique ants I bought AI so this is very helpful if you’re worried about spam bots and DDoS attacks that try to bring your site down even a secure account isolation so your account is going to be safe with them so that’s

Their uptime guarantee now moving over to dream host they include here in their Terms of Service that the guaranteed uptime is 100 percent and there’s even a cache that if they fail to provide you that 100% guarantee you will be compensated but it is pursuant to the guidelines that they provide so

SiteGround doesn’t publicly state which compensation or what credit are you getting if they fail to do so with at 99.9 percent but I’m pretty confident with the hundred percent of DreamHost over there plus the compensation that I am to receive if they fail to do to provide at a hundred percent uptime for

My site now let’s go where it’s speed if you have thousands of visitors to your site every day in and out to your site I would highly recommend going with wpx hosting which I will also leave a link down below that you could use but if you don’t have that much visitors to

The site visiting on a daily dream host will do just as fine for your needs so next up is the cPanel SiteGround has a cPanel the standard cPanel for web hosting solutions that’s a very familiar to use but DreamHost under the other hand doesn’t have a cPanel but they do

Provide their own flavor of a web panel that they made themselves so in my experience that has been pretty reliable easy to use as well design is very intuitive modern and not much was over there but really personally I wouldn’t mind if there wasn’t a cPanel available

Such as with Dreamhouse but it’s a pretty standard things these days and I believe it’s really a nice thing to have when you get your own web hosting solution which with whichever company you decide to go with now onwards see customer support so customer support SiteGround offers 24/7 assistance so if

You’re just starting to inquire and look around they have 24/7 sales assistants you can even phone them and the number we’re here but if you’re already an existing user there’s also a dedicated portal that you can get access to for technical support should any issues arise with

Your subscription now for Dream House on the other hand free most offers her as here we go offers an 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. window on Monday to Friday so it’s pretty pretty short window in my opinion but can also get in touch with them via email so lots of variability over here

When getting in such ready support even over here dreamhost so no problems here so that’s my performance evaluation with DreamHost versus SiteGround the next thing I’ll do is I’m gonna walk you through the backend of my hosting account ad DreamHost alright so now we’re in the backend of dreamhost so

This is their own web panel that they developed or for you and I’m not gonna go into site grounds back-end because I don’t have an account with them currently so I would be focusing on Dreamhouse for now when you can first log in here you’ll get access to support

Up here in the upper right so these are your knowledge base knowledgebase your facts can even get in touch with support over there you have a search bar over here that you can search your queries or you need any settings or functions to look for so that’s very helpful you have

A get started over here and they tell you what’s changed with their updates or upgrades you see that when you log in and get started now main navigation will be on the sidebar and here on the left so when you expand the means to be able to manage your domains domain

Registration even have secure hosting and 1-click installs if that’s your thing for WordPress they have 1-click installs as well they even have their own flavor of WordPress integrations called dream press which is a very nice thing to have for mail you can manage your mail even do custom auto responses

To your visitor emails can do filters anti-spam is very helpful against those pesky spam bots that nobody wants we’re building an account you get your manager account your privacy settings you can pay your bills here v or pending invoices do back up your account and since bandwidth and this usage might be

Something that needs to be monitored you can see your stats over here for VPS they have virtual private servers available if you subscribe to that or add it at to your accounts so helpful to had to have over there even dedicated servers so that’s the thing now so it

Makes your site much more robust in terms of uptime reliability so that’s enforcing another layer over that 100% uptime that DreamHost guarantees in the terms of agreements they even have a website builder if you’re feeling a little bit lazy that’s that can be done they have cloud services you can refer

This to your friends and clients so they can get a discount as she did with signing up if you have a team or you have friends that you collaborate with you can do manage users you can share privileges which team member has access and what doesn’t have access to what not

So that’s available even in advance over here you get access to MySQL databases cron jobs FTP and site statistics so if you wanna monitor how much traffic you’re getting or if you want to move to a different hosting that’s possible here and finally for support you get access

To data centers so their knowledge base like I said earlier and you can get in touch with support easily from here so I hope this video has been very helpful for you guys and this has been my comparison of site ground versus DreamHost and goodbye now
💰💰SAVE UP TO 54% OFF + FREE SSL Certificate + FAST SSD Storage 💰💰 . ⌲⌲⌲Try Dreamhost risk-free for 97 days here: http://bit.ly/dreamhost_2020 ⚡️⚡️FLASH OFFER: GET UP TO 70% OFF with SITEGROUND today! **Includes 30-day money-back guarantee** 👉 APPLY HERE: http://bit.ly/Siteground_sgvsdh My most recommended hosting is Siteground: http://bit.ly/Siteground_sgvsdh 5 reasons why I recommend Siteground : ✔️ Trusted by the owner of 2,000,000 domains ✔️Free SSL and HTTPS ✔️99.9% uptime guarantee ✔️Lightning fast speeds 💥 💥 I LOVE Siteground for its blazing fast speeds and 99.9% uptime. Get it for just $3.95 per month and migrate your existing website for FREE: http://bit.ly/Siteground_sgvsdh 💥 💥 Stuck between Siteground and Dreamhost? Don't worry, I'm here for you. In this video, I explain the pros and cons of each of these web hosts and give you an overview of the Dreamhost backend so you can see what your account will look like. I am or have been a user of every host I review on my channel. I even bravely tried it with Host Papa once (don't ask). I may receive compensation from the companies mentioned in my videos if you click on one of my links and make a purchase. This comes at no additional cost to you and supports my efforts to provide you with more comprehensive reviews of hosting products. If you have any questions or help, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below and I'll be sure to help you out! 😉 #sitegroundvsdreamhost #dreamhostbssiteground #sitegroundhostingvsdreamhost #sitegroundvsdreamhostforwordpress
#Siteground #Dreamhost #Insightful #Review

DreamHost Review

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