👉 Wix Review 2024: Free Website Builder ✅ Details, Pricing and Features WIX Video Review


👉 Wix Review 2024: Free Website Builder ✅ Details, Pricing and Features

Tutorial Hosting
Hello everyone carson here and in today’s video i’m going to be giving you a quick rundown and review of wix the benefits the pros and cons etc and if you should use their platform in 2021 now before we do get into this review i will drop a link to wix in the

Description below so you can check them out and receive special discounts and now let’s go ahead and get started now wix in my opinion is one of the best website builders on the market they probably wouldn’t be my top of the top pick but they are definitely up there and a

Really big consideration for people especially if you’re looking to build a website for free because wix does offer a free website builder plan even though it isn’t fully featured now overall wix has a really nice drag and drop editor which is a great benefit for anyone looking to build a website

With a user-friendly easy to use and intuitive ui now wix also has hundreds of different templates you can pick between when you are looking to build your website when you are looking to set it up anything from like a personal portfolio template to an online business website template it really

It really does have a lot of these different templates which is really nice because you don’t have to stick with a few different cookie cutter themes to base your website off of you’ve got a lot of different customizability and a lot of different options now overall getting into the pros

Wix drag and drop editor is just so easy to use it is quite literally drag and drop so all you have to do is just go and drag around the elements you want to reposition and resize and edit you really don’t have to do anything more than that and it can’t get

Any simpler than that you are looking at one of the easiest to use website builders in the market now another big benefit of wix is they also have great help and customer support they are renowned for providing and giving great customer support to all of their customers and they also

Have a really big searchable knowledge base which is a benefit as well so if you are looking into wix just know that you’re not gonna be having to go in blind they’ve got a lot of tutorials and information and documentation and customer support on hand and at your call when you need it

Now they also give you tons and tons of flexibility and creative freedom so you can customize your template quite literally exactly how you want it even though they give hundreds of templates it’s still if they didn’t really let you customize it to the point they do you know you could get some repetition

In these different websites and these designs but that’s where wix really stands out in that they let you customize pretty much everything you can think of from the background color to the width to the header every single thing you are able to customize and for me that is such a big benefit because

Every single website built on wix is going to be unique now on to the cons and there aren’t really many but one of the first cons but one of the big cons is you can’t really switch the template once you’ve published your site without starting again from scratch

Now that isn’t a big con if you plan ahead and actually decide that you like the template you went with because that for me is something you need to do and i’ve never had a problem with that because that’s what i do but i do see some people who will pick a

Template and not actually think it through just decide on the template on a whim and then later regret it and they can’t change it other than that though i guess one con might be that its scalability isn’t as high as with like traditional hosting platforms but i mean it’s a website

Builder you’re not using it to build the next facebook you’re using it to build a website for a small business or a portfolio or something like that overall it is definitely one of my top website builders of 2021 i highly recommend it to you it’s really really fully featured easy to use intuitive

All of the things that make a website builder great wix has it unlike some other website builders like godaddy’s website builder you know and stuff like that wix really delivers on the features you need all the time so i do highly recommend them and if you want to check out wix go

Ahead and head down to my link right down in the description below where you can check out their platform and receive special discounts thanks for watching till next time and have a great day
Wix Review 2024 – Check out this Wix website builder review in 2024 and learn the pros, cons, details, pricing and features of the Wix platform! 👉 Get Wix â–º https://bit.ly/2U9oCME ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ —Timestamp— 00:00 Introduction 00:22 What is Wix 01:23 Benefits of Wix 02:56 Disadvantages of Wix 03:45 Summary and Outro ———————— 👉 Wix Review 2024 – Check out this review of Wix website to builder in 2024 and learn the pros, cons, details, pricing and features of the Wix platform! Wix Review 2024: Free Website Builder Details, Pricing and Features. Transcript: Hello everyone, Carson. In today's video I will give you a quick overview and overview of Wix, the benefits, the pros and cons, etc. And when you should use their platform in 2024. Now before we get into this review, I will include the link to Wix in the description below so you can try them out and get special discounts. And now let's go ahead and get started. Well Wix is ​​in my opinion one of the best website builders on the market, they probably wouldn't be my first choice but they are definitely up there. And a really big consideration for people, especially if you want to build a website for free, because Wix offers a free website builder plan, even though it doesn't have all the features. Overall, Wix now has a really nice drag and drop editor, which is a huge advantage for anyone who wants to create a website with a user-friendly, easy-to-use and intuitive interface, which also offers hundreds of different templates to choose from when designing your website If you want to set up anything from a personal portfolio template to an online business website template. There are actually a lot of these different templates, which is really nice because you don't have to stick with a few different cookie cutter templates that your website is based on, but you have a lot of different customizability and a lot of different options. Moving on to the benefits, Wix's drag-and-drop editor is so easy to use that it's literally drag-and-drop. So all you have to do is move the elements you want to reposition, resize and edit. You don't actually have to do anything else. And it can't be easier than dealing with one of the most user-friendly website builders on the market. Another great advantage of Wix is ​​that they also offer great help and customer support and are known for providing excellent customer support to all of their customers. And they also have a really large searchable knowledge base, which is also a benefit. So if you are interested in Wix, know that you don't have to go into it blindly, as the company has plenty of tutorials, information, documentation and customer support and is responsive when you need it. Now they also offer you a lot of flexibility and creative freedom. This means you can literally customize your template exactly how you want it. Although they have hundreds of templates. If you couldn't really customize it the way they do, there could be repetition across these different sites and designs. But this is where Wix really excels as you can customize pretty much anything you can think of, from the background color to the width to the header, everything you can customize. And for me, that's a huge advantage because every single website built on Wix will be unique. Now for the disadvantages, and there aren't really many of them, but one of the first disadvantages, but one of the big disadvantages is that you can't really change the template after you publish your website without starting all over again. Now, that's not a big drawback if you plan ahead and actually decide that you like the template, because to me that's something you have to do. And I've never had a problem with it because that's what I do. But I see some people who choose a template and don't really think about it, just go with the template on a whim and regret it later and can't change it. However, having said that, I suspect that a downside might be that the scalability is not as high as traditional hosting platforms. But I mean, it's a website builder. You don't use it to create the next Facebook, you use it to create a small business website, a portfolio, or something similar. Affiliate link disclaimer: If you click the links in the description and book a hosting provider, we may receive a commission. Still, we don't let brands dictate our opinions – when we say it, it means it's what we truly believe. Purchasing through our links will cost you nothing extra and may even cost less due to discounts. Please give my video Wix Review 2024: Free Website Builder Details, Pricing and Features a big thumbs up.
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